
 Invokes the DEC Fortran compiler.  This command can also invoke
 other software components (such as preprocessors, or the ld
 linker), depending on what files or options are specified.  The f77
 command produces object code files in RISC (ULTRIX and DEC OSF/1)
 or AXP DEC OSF/1 extended coff format, and is described in detail
 in your DEC Fortran user manual.  (See also f77(1).)


f77 [options] filename [options]

If you specify more than one option or filename, separate each with a space. Some options include keywords. For more information, see Parameters.

Upon program completion, the f77 driver returns one of the following status values: 0 - SUCCESS 1 - FAILURE 2 - SUBPROCESS_FAILURE (preprocessor, decfort, or ld) 3 - SIGNAL

If the environment variable DECFORT is set, the value is used as the name of the compiler to invoke. If the environment variable TMPDIR is set, the value is used as the directory for temporary files.

Your DEC Fortran kit contains a Help file in text format. To search for information in this file, enter the following command to display the file:

% more /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort/decfortran.hlp

To search for a specific item, enter a slash (/) followed by the item. For example, once the Help file is displayed, you can search for run-time error message number 138 by entering the following:
